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Houndst suitcase box set/2 45/38CM
23 reviews

Houndst suitcase box set/2 45/38CM


The WD Suitcase Box Set/2 45/38CM is a set of two elegant wooden suitcases in a vintage English style with a unique design and size, making it ideal for storing and organizing various items and as a decorative piece. These suitcases are made from high-quality wood and finished in a beautiful natural finish that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space. The Goodwill brand is known for its commitment to using only the highest quality materials and ensuring that each piece is handcrafted with care and attention to detail, making it a popular choice among collectors and lovers of unique and high-quality decorative pieces.

Size: 45/38CM

Material: Plywood,Fabric, PVC,Metal

Color: Brown